Plugin features

Pricing Regions

Unlimited number of regions with the countries and currency that you need to your country-targeted pricing strategy.

Product Pricing

You can set product prices manually or leave them be calculated automatically by the exchange rate.

Multiple Currencies

Unlimited number of regions with the countries and currency that you need to your country-targeted pricing strategy.

Custom Currency Symbol

You can customize price and define default how it seems on site

Exchange Rates

You can set your own exchange rate.

Checkout Refresh

If users change the country on checkout page the price will change automatically.

Payment Gateways

It works with multi-currency payment gateways like, 2Checkout, PayPal Standard and PayPal Website Payments Pro.

Discount Plugins Support

It’s natively support WooCommerce Pricing Discounts plugins.

Widget Switcher

The widgets allows to add easily country switcher to your site.

Currency Bar Switcher

The Currency Bar Switcher allows you to add easily to your pages. You can customize it easily.

Built-in Integrations

It’s supports WooCommerce plugins ( Subscriptions, Product Bundles, Products Add-ons, Bookings, Composite Products and etc.).

Compatible with WPML

The Plugin is 100% compatible with WPML Plugin. You can easily use them together.

Geolocation integrated

MyWoo Multi Currency uses the WooCommerce Geolocation function to display price and currency based on customer country.

Support Shortcodes

MyWoo Multi Currency is support shortcodes.

[ mywoomc_country_selector other_countries_text=”My text” ]